class 10th chapter 1 NCERT Solutions chemical reaction and equations

Class 10th chapter 1 (NCERT Solutions) Chemical reaction and equations

Hy students hope you all are doing well in this lockdown and ready to start your class-10th study.

so today in this blog we are going to talk about class 10th science chapter-1 that is chemical reactions and equations. 

Sop let's dive in. But before that let me clear you that what we are going to cover in this blog.
1. Is class 10th science chemistry is difficult.
2.  Facts about chemistry and how to start studying chemistry.
3. How can you score good marks in chemistry.
4. Then, finally, Class 10th chemistry chapter ncert solutions.

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So, let's get started...!

1. Is chemistry is easy or difficult.
Well, it is easy + Difficult both... What?

Yes this is easy for those who will do practice chemistry on the regular basic but difficult for the students those who starts their preparation after 1st semester or from december.


Here is the first Quote about chemistry. And it is, that if you'll try chemistry on the regular basic then it will be very easy for you to memorize and solve the equations of chemistry.

If you're planning after looking at the syllabus that you will start your chemistry preparation after 1st semester or form december at the last time.

Then trust me this can be a very big mistake. Because at the end time it will be very difficult to handle chemistry with all other subjects. 

You can put biology for the last but never do this with chemistry. I will recommend you to start your chemistry preparation from day-1.

When I was in class 10th then i was started the preparation of my class 10th chemistry from day-1. And trust me your chemistry chapters are really very interesting. You will definitely loved it.

From here you can start the preparation of your class 10th science.

Here is the 2nd part of this blog:-  Facts about chemistry and how to start studying chemistry.
